Tatyana B. Uvarova
Chief Researcher at the Department of History, Centre for Academic Research and Informational Studies in Social Sciences
e-mail: ethn.uvarova.tb@inbox.ru
+7 916 244 49 05
Academic degrees:
2013 – Doctor of Science in History. Thesis title is “Informational Factor in the Development of Russian Ethnology”, Moscow Lomonosov State University.
1983 – PhD in History. Thesis title is “The Nerchinsk evenks in 18th–20th centuries”, Moscow Lomonosov State University.
2002–2005: Doktorant of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences.
1975–1979: PhD student, Moscow Lomonosov State University.
1975: Moscow Lomonosov State University, graduated as historian with a thesis on “The small peoples of low Amur”.
Additional education:
- 2008 – Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow), “Russian Education and Bolonya process”, certificate No. 123 on advanced training.
Work experience:
2018–present: Chief Researcher of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences.
2009–2017 – Head of the Section of History of Ancient and Middle Ages, Archaeology and Ethnology, Department of History, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences.
1993–2008: Senior Researcher at the Department of History, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences.
1980–1993: Researcher at the Department of History, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Teaching experience:
- 2013–present: Professor of the Centre of Social Anthropology (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow).
- 2010–2013: Guest Senior Researcher, Moscow High School for Economic and Social Sciences.
- 2000–2013: Senior Researcher of Centre of Social Anthropology (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow).
Awards and honors:
- 2019: Certificate of honor of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- 2019: INION RAN’s certificate of honor for great contribution to the development of the Institute
- 2011: Diploma of 1st degree for publication 2011 of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences – “Informational Factor in the Development of Russian Ethnology” (monograph)
- 1999: Certificate of honor for 275th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- 1999: Diploma for Senior Researcher certificate N044-CH-099
Fields of research:
History, theory and methodology of ethnology and social anthropology; ethnological and anthropological education; peoples of Russia, east Slavic peoples; small indigenous peoples of Sibiria; traditions and innovations in culture and society; politics of memory; integration processes in the post-Soviet space and Greater Eurasia; assessment of the social consequences of scientific and technological development, problems of scientific and technical information.
Over 180 scientific publications, including two monographs in Russian, over 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals, review articles, biobibliographical review, bibliographical indexes and ethnological thesaurus.
Presentations at more than 25 international and all-Russian academic conferences (Congresses of Association of Russian Anthropologists and Ethnologists, 1995–2019, international conferences of Institute of the North Peoples 1998–2019 etc.) in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Ufa, Saransk and other Russian regions, as well as in Minsk, Vitebsk, Grodno etc.
Selected publications
Monographs and chapters:
- Uvarova T.B. (2011) Informational Factor in the Development of Russian Ethnology [Информационный фактор в развитии российской этнологии.] INION RAN, Moscow.
- Uvarova T.B. (2005, 2006 2nd ed.) The Nerchinsk evenks in the 18th–20th centuries [Нерчинские эвенки в XVIII–XX вв.] INION RAN, Moscow.
- Uvarova T.B. (2018) Part 3. In post-soviet Belorussia [Глава 3. В постсоветской Белоруссии] // От повседневного быта к поискам жизненных смыслов: Социальноантропологическое исследование: Коллективная монография. Москва: Смысл. С. 164–184.
Articles and reviews:
- Uvarova T.B., Shemberko L.V. (2019) Informational and Analitical Support of Archaeological Research on the Basis of Digital Technologies // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. Vol. 46, no. 2. P. 133–142 [Информационно-аналитическое обеспечение археологических исследований на основе цифровых технологий].
- Uvarova T.B. (2019) Digital anthropology: Methodology, method, field [Цифровая антропология: Методология, метод, поле] // Новые российские гуманитарные исследования (НРГИ NRHR), Архив 2019. Т. 14: Этнология. URL: http://www.nrgumis/ru/articles/2019-14/etnologia/?clea_cache=Y.
- Uvarova T.B. (2019) Family history of “new farmers” in Central Russia regions [Семейные истории «новых крестьян» в регионах Центральной России: отражение современных сельско-городских взаимодействий] // Новые российские гуманитарные исследования (НРГИ NRHR), Архив 2019. Т. 14: Этнология. URL: http://www.nrgumis/ru/articles/2019-14/novye.
- Uvarova T.B. (2018) New Russian Frontier: Post-soviet Belorussia in anthropological perspective [Новое российское пограничье: Постсоветская Беларусь в социально-антропологическом ракурсе] // Россия и современный мир. 2018. № 1. С. 131–148.
- Uvarova T.B. (2017) Conceptual and methodological innovations in ethno-anthropological disciplines in the 21st century [Концептуальные и методологические инновации в этнолого-антропологическом знании начала XXI в.: Аналитический обзор] INION RAN, Moscow.
- Uvarova T.B. (2016) Traditions and innovations in Russian history science: For 75th anniversary of Academic V.A. Tishkov [Преемственность и инновации в российской исторической науке: К 75-летию академика В. А. Тишкова] // Российская история. 2016. № 6. С. 149–161.
- Uvarova T.B. (2016) Ethnic identity in the system of life values of small peoples of North and Sibiria [Этническая идентичность в системе жизненных ценностей коренных малочисленных народов Севера и Сибири] // Этнокультурное воспроизводство в условиях глобализации: Коллективная монография по материалам ХI Конгресса антропологов и этнологов России, 2–5 июля 2015 года, Екатеринбург / Под. ред. В. В. Карлова, Е. А. Окладниковой. Москва; Берлин: Директ-Медиа, 2016. С. 298–318.
- Uvarova T.B., Schemberko L.V. (2016) Anthropology and ethnology in Ru.-net: Resources, development of communications, internet societies [Антропология и этнология и в Рунете: информационные ресурсы, развитие коммуникаций, формирование сообществ] // Реальность этноса. Роль образования, культуры и литературы в формировании российской гражданской идентичности: Сборник статей по материалам XVII Международной научно-практической конференции, посвящённой 85-летию Института народов Севера Герценовского университета. Санкт-Петербург, 10–12 ноября 2015 г. Санкт-Петербург: Издательство РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена, 2016. C. 51–56.
- Uvarova T.B. (2015) Anthropological theory in modern society context [Антропологическое теоретизирование в общественном контексте: дискуссия «Незамеченные революции»] // Антропологический форум. СПб., 2015. № 24. URL: http://anthropologie.kunstkamera.ru/05/.
- Uvarova T.B., Shemberko L.V. (2014) The Formation of the Multidimensional Information Space on Ethnology and Historical Anthropology [Формирование многомерного информационного пространства по этнологии и исторической антропологии] // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. 2014. Vol. 41, No. 3. P. 183–193. (Allerton Press, Inc.,).
Scientific-information materials:
Uvarova T.B., Viktorova E.N. (2016) V.A. Tishkov [Валерий Александрович Тишков] / Сост. Г. М. Тихомирова; Авт. вступ. ст. Т. Б. Уварова, Е. Н. Викторова. 2-е изд., доп. М.: Наука, 2016. С. 9–51.
Ethnological thesaurus (2018) [Этнология. Антропология: Информационно-поисковый тезаурус] / РАН. ИНИОН. Центр информатизации; Сост. Е. В. Магай, Р. Р. Мдивани; Науч. ред. Р. Р. Мдивани, Т. Б. Уварова. М.: ИНИОН РАН, 2018.
Grants and international projects:
- Collective grant supported by the Russian State Humanitarian Research Foundation, “The new Farmers of Russia: Social Anthropological Research” (2018–2020, participant).
- Collective grant supported by the Russian Science Foundation, “Policy of identity: Strategies, tools, actors (2015–2017, participant).
- Collective grant supported by the Russian State Humanitarian Research Foundation, “The Constructing of the Life-meaning: Reality and its Evaluation in Russia and Post-Soviet states” (2015–2017, participant).
- Collective grant from the Russian Science Foundation (in program “Traditions and innovations in History and Culture”), “Internet-project as tool of development of scientific cooperation” (2012–2014, project leader).
- Collective grant supported by the Russian State Humanitarian Research Foundation, “The Youth in Small Towns of Russia: Social Anthropological Research” (2010–2012, participant).
- Publication grant supported by Russian Science Foundation in program “Historical and Cultural Evolution and Modern Development of Small peoples of North, Sibiria and Far East” (2004–2006); Uvarova T. B. “The Nerchinsk evenks in the 18th–20th centuries”, Moscow: INION RAN, 2005; 2nd ed.: Moscow: INION RAN, 2006.
Membership of editorial boards of academic journals:
2008–present: deputy editor-in-chief, abstract scholarly journal Social Sciences and Humanities. Home and International Literature. Series 5, History, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Membership of professional associations:
Member of the Association of Russian Anthropologists and Ethnologists.
Bibliographic profiles: Elibrary