2014, № 5
2014, № 5 — Russia and the Moslem World
Sergei Karaganov, Fyodor Lukyanov. Russia in the World of Force in the 21st Century
Bashkortostan. Ethnicity and Religious Revival: Possibilities and Risks
M. Gadzhiyev. Political Elite of Daghestan
S. Zhemchurayeva. Religion and Ethnicity as Components of Chechen Identity
Madina Dzhantaleyeva. Russian-Kazakh Relations as a Factor of Stability in the Caspian Region
Igor Dobayev, Alexander Ponedelkov. Trends of Evolution of Terrorism in the North Caucasus
D. Alexandrov, I. Ippolitov, D. Popo. “Soft Power” as an Instrument of U.S. Policy in Central Asia: Turkmenistan
B. Ergashev. Uzbekistan's Policy toward Afghanistan and Regional Security in Central Asia
A. Umnov. Afghanistan: What's Next