2014, № 12 — Russia and the Moslem World


Vladimir Karjakin. Modern Crises and Conflicts: Characteristics, Scenarios of Development and Prevention

Safiullina Al-Ansi. Khizb ut-Tahrir in the Republic of Tatarstan

R. Emirov. Connection between Ethnopolitics and Geopolitics in the North Caucasus

G. Kovalyov, A. Levchenko. Central Asia and the South Caucasus: New Model of the U.S. Presence in the Region

D. Abbasov. “Syrian Syndrome” among Azerbaijani Young People: Fortuity or Trend?

Olga Oskina. Political Elite of Turkmenistan: Traditions and Prospects

N. Kuleshova. Certain Specific Features of the Party-political System of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Contents of “Russia and the Moslem World” bulletin for 2014 № 1 (259)–12 (270)

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