2012, № 7 — Russia and the Moslem World


Alexei Bogaturov. The Disintegration of the U.S.S.R. Has .... Changed International Relations, but Did Not Make Them More armonious

Yuldash Yusupov. Traditional Islamic Trends in the Public Life of Modern Bashkortostan

Asiet Ashkhamakhova, Irina Yakovenko. The Present State of Religious Consciousness of Russian Citizens (on Example of Adygea)

E. Baboshina. The Confessional Factor in International Relations (the Republic of Dagestan as an Example)

I. Khubiyev. Ethnopolitical Processes in Post-Soviet Karachay-Cercessia: Lessons and Conclusions

A. Areshev. The Contemporary Caucasus: Unstable Periphery of “Great Near East” as a Naturally Determined Result of the Post-Soviet Development

Sergey Zolotukhin. The Russians in Kazakhstan

N. Almamedova. The Specifics of Political Culture of Women in Central Asia (the Example of Turkmenistan)

A. Manoilo. Revolutions in the Near East and the North Africa: Political Pragmatism and Controlled Chaos Technology 73

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