2010, № 5 — Russia and the Moslem World


M. Urnov. One should seek terms and conditions of destabilization in elites in Russia

E. Korolyova. Islam and Orthodoxy in Russia: cooperation or clash?

S. Berezhnoy. On politicization of Muslim associations in the South of Russia

Alexey Malashenko. Losing the Caucasus

Kaflan Khanbabayev. The Islamic radical elite in Dagestan

Ildar Mavlyautdinov. The labor ethics of Islam in Tatarstan

Aleksandr Baranov. Globalization in the space of the Caspian region since the outset of the XXI century

R. Mukhametov. The national interests of Russia in the post-Soviet Middle Asia

D. Fayzullayev. The USA – the Central Asia: the shipment point or springboard?

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