Zakharov Timofey
Сведения о сотруднике
Zakharov Timofey
ResearcherПодразделение: Отдел правоведения
- Researcher
- Division: Law Department
Research interests: general international law, cooperation of States in the fight against crime
The total number of publications is more than 90
List of the most significant publications
- Zakharov T. V. International legal problems of climate change // Social sciences and humanities. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 4. State and law: M.: RAS. INION, 2024. No.1. pp. 118 – 129.
- Zakharov T. V. Maintaining international peace and security based on the norms of jus ad bellum and jus in bello (Review) // Social and Humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Ser. 4. State and Law. M.: RAS. INION 2023. No.1. pp. 68-77.
- Zakharov T.V. Migration and crime: points of intersection(Review) // Social and humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Ser. 4: State and law. – M.: RAS. INION 2023. – No. 2. – pp.156-167.
- Zakharov T.V. On the issue of sectoral principles of international humanitarian law (Review) // Social and humanitarian sciences. Domestic and foreign literature Ser. 4: State and Law. – 2023. – No. 3. – pp.189-199.
- Zakharov T.V. Legal problems of development and application of autonomous weapons systems (Review) // Social and humanitarian sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Ser. 4: State and Law. – 2023. – No. 3. – pp. 208-219.
- Zakharov T.V. The legal status of international organizations in the changing world order. (Review) // Social and humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Ser. 4: State and Law. – 2023. – No. 4. – pp. 190-201.
- Zakharov T.V. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in 2017: Outlines of modern regimes for the use of nuclear weapons and nuclear disarmament. (Review) // Social and humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 4: State and Law. – 2023. – No. 4. – pp. 202- 213
- Zakharov T. V. Immanent public functions of sovereignty in international law (Review) // Social and humanitarian sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Ser. 4. State and Law: I. M., 2022 No. 3. pp. 166 – 177.
- Zakharov T.V. Fundamentals of US legal policy in the field of sales of modern biotechnology products (Review) // Social and humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Ser. 4. State and Law. M., 2022. No. 4. pp. 109-118.
- 10. Zakharov T.V. A multilateral approach in interstate relations: international organizations and threats to global governance (Review) // Social and Humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Ser. 4. State and Law. M., 2022. No. 4. pp.205-215.
- 1Zakharov T.V. A new model of the law library and its role in legal education // Social and humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Ser. 4. State and Law/ RAS. INION. M., 2022. No. 2. pp.170-178.
- Zakharov T.V. COVID-19, global mobility and international law (Review) // Social and Humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature.Ser. 4. State and Law. M.: RAS. INION 2022. No. 1. pp.83-95.
- Zakharov T. V. Digital technologies in the creation and application of international law (Review) // Social and humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Ser. 4. State and Law. Moscow: RAS. INION, 2021. No. 4. pp. 231 – 339.
- Zakharov T.V. The right to privacy: the new reality of the human emotional sphere // Law, digital technologies and artificial intelligence: collection of articles/ ed. by E.V. Alferova. – M.: RAS. INION, 2021 – pp. 251 – 266.
Education: Higher (Saratov State Law Academy)
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