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Malinova Olga Yu.

Malinova Olga Yu.

Dr. of Philosophy
chief research

Подразделение: Отдел политической науки

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
  • chief research

Political ideologies and political discourse, symbolic politics, politics of memory, national identity construction

More than 250

"Political Science (Ru)", "Polis. Political Studies (Ru)", “International Political Studies Review”, “Memory, Mind & Media”, “Global Studies Quarterly”

HSE University, Institute of Philosophy RAS

Professor of HSE University

Comprehensive comparative study of memory politics in Russia and abroad: Strategies, actors, instruments, grant of Russian Scientific Foundation, no. 17-18-01589.


  1. Malinova O. Symbolism and the transformation of the national historical narrative in postsoviet Russia // Routledge Handbook of Russian Politics and Society / ed. by Graeme Gill. London etc.: Routledge, 2023. P. 377-387.
  2. Malinova O. Legitimizing Putin’s Regime: The Transformations of the Narrative of Russia’s Post-Soviet Transition // Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2022, Vol. 55, Number 1, pp. 52–75, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/j.postcomstud.2022.55.1.52
  3. Malinova O. Constructing the Collective Trauma of “The Hard 1990s” as a Disregarded Tool of Legitimation for Putin’s Authority // Nationalities Papers. (2022), 50: 3, 619–623. doi:10.1017/nps.2021.97
  4. Malinova O. Politics of Memory and Nationalism // Nationalities Papers , Volume 49 , Issue 6 , November 2021 , pp. 997 – 1007 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/nps.2020.87
  5. Malinova O. Framing the Collective Memory of the 1990s as a Legitimation Tool for Putin’s Regime // Problems of Post-Communism. 2021. Vol. 68, no. 5. P. 429-441 DOI: 10.1080/10758216.2020.1752732
  6. Malinova O. “Nation” and “Civilization” as Templates for Russian Identity Construction: A 
  7. Historical Overview // Russia as Civilization: Ideological Discourses in Politics, Media and Academia / ed. by Kåre Johan Mjør, Sanna Turoma. London: Routledge, 2020. P. 27-46.
  8. Malinova O. Encounters with liberalism in Post-Soviet Russia // In Search of European Liberalisms: Concepts, Languages, Ideologies / ed. by Michael Freeden, Javier Fernández-Sebastián, and Jörn Leonhard. – New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2019. – P. 278-301.


Faculty of History, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin. Candidate of Scineces (“John Stuart Mill and socio-philosophical aspects of contemporary liberalism"). Dr. of Science (“The analysis of theories of liberal nationalism”)

Olga Malinova is Professor of the HSE University, and chief research fellow of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences. She is Dr. of Philosophy. The fields of her research interests are political ideologies and political discourse, symbolic politics, politics of memory and Russian identity construction. Her recent publications are “Framing the Collective Memory of the 1990s as a Legitimation Tool for Putin’s Regime”, in Problems of Post-Communism, 2021, 68(5), 429-441, and “Legitimizing Putin’s Regime: The Transformations of the Narrative of Russia’s Post-Soviet Transition”, in Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2022, 55(1): 52–75.

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