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Liliya R. Komalova

Liliya R. Komalova

Doctor of Science in Linguistics (Advanced Doctorate) Associate Professor
Leading Research Fellow and Head of the Centre of Emerging Practices, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Подразделение: Centre of Emerging Practices


2017: Doctor of Science in Applied and Mathematical Linguistics, in Historical, Typological and Comparative Linguistics (diploma № 827/нк-13 series ДНД № 004608). Moscow State Linguistic University (Russia), Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics. Thesis title “Typology of multilingual verbalization of aggression on the basis of heterogeneous system data of corpus linguistics”.

2010: PhD in Applied and Mathematical Linguistics (diploma № 37к/114 series ДКН № 120135). Moscow State Linguistic University (Russia), Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics. Thesis title “Linguistic aspect of conflictive competence”.

2009: Expert in Second Language Acquisition, Spanish as a second language (diploma № 000002846), Universidad de Cantabria (Spain).

2006: Higher education degree in Public Relations with knowledge of English and Spanish languages (diploma with distinction № ВСА 0396202). Moscow State Linguistic University (Russia). Thesis title “Conflictive competence of public relations practitioners in crisis situations”.

Additional education

2023 Moscow State Linguistic University (Russia), “Linguistic methods of textual data processing”, certificate of completion

2022 The State University of Management (Russia), “Management of digital transformation”, certificate of completion

2022 The State University of Management (Russia), “Strategic management and organizational projecting”, certificate of completion

2022 The State University of Management (Russia), “Management of product life circle”, certificate of completion

2022 The State University of Management (Russia), “Management accounting”, certificate of completion

2022 The State University of Management (Russia), “Government relationships”, certificate of completion

2022 The State University of Management (Russia), “Researcher’s personal brand”, certificate of completion

2022 The State University of Management (Russia), “Soft Skills for academicians”, certificate of completion

2022 Moscow State Linguistic University (Russia), “Methodological and pragmatic aspects of contemporary verbal communication”, certificate of completion

2022 Innopolis University (Russia), “Contemporary Computational Linguistics for academicians”, certificate of completion

2021 International Academy of World Intellectual Property Organization (Switzerland), “Software licensing, including open code software”, certificate of completion

2021 Moscow State Linguistic University (Russia), “Actual methods of linguistic expertise”, certificate of completion

2020 Moscow State Linguistic University (Russia), “Methodological and pragmatic aspects of contemporary verbal communication”, certificate of completion

2019-2020 Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO (Russia), “Leaders of scientific and technological breakthrough”, certificate of completion

2019-2020 Volgograd Socio-Pedagogical University (Russia), “Communicative technologies in professional discursive practices within the framework of contemporary digital environment”, certificate of completion

2019 State Academic University of Humanities (Russia), “Peculiarities of professional development of academicians within the framework of life-long learning”, certificate of completion

2017 IBM (Russia), “IBM intellectual property management, commercialization and research management”, certificate of completion

2016 National University of Science and Technology (Russia), “Intellectual property management: basic knowledge for engineers”, certificate of completion

2012 International Academy of World Intellectual Property Organization (Switzerland), “Copyright and related rights”, certificate of completion

2010 International Academy of World Intellectual Property Organization (Switzerland), “Intellectual property basic knowledge”, certificate of completion

2004 Universidad de Granada (Spain), language internship


2023 – present: Leading Research Fellow, head of the Centre of Emerging Practices, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2020 – 2023: Leading Research Fellow, Department of Linguistics, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2019 – 2023: head of the Resource Capability Development Department, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2017 – present: Professor, Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics, Moscow State Linguistic University

2015 – 2020: Senior Research Fellow, Department of Linguistics, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2014 – 2015: Research Fellow, Department of Linguistics, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2007 – 2011: Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Professional Communication in Media Technologies, Moscow State Linguistic University

2006 – 2007: Head of Public Relations Department, National Institute “Higher School of Management”

Fields of interest

Cinematic discourse, experimental linguistics, Internet linguistics, corpus linguistics, conflict studies (linguaconflictology), psychology of behavior, speech behavior and speech activity, speech perception, interpersonal relationships

Membership in editorial boards of academic journals

2021 – present: member of editorial council, scholarly journal “Organizational psycholinguistics

2017 – present: deputy editor-in-chief, scholarly journal “Ethnopsycholinguistics”, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2016 – present: editor-in-chief (since September 2023), deputy editor-in-chief (till September 2023), scholarly journal “Human being: Image and Essence. Humanitarian aspects”, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2014 – present: member of editorial board (since June 2020), executive secretary (till June 2020), scholarly journal “Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and Foreign Literature. Series 6: Linguistics

Major publications


Komalova, L.R.: Modern informational environment and scientometrics [Современная информационная среда и наукометрия]: Moscow, Prospekt (2021), https://litgid.com/catalog/nauka/sovremennaya_informatsionnaya_sreda_i_naukometriya_uchebnoe_posobie/

Potapova, R.K., Potapov, V.V., Komalova, L.R.: Perception of multimodal mono- and poly-ethnic communication [Восприятие мультимодальной моно- и полиэтнической коммуникации]. Moscow, INION RAN. DOI: 10.31249/vmmpk/2020.00.00 (2020), http://inion.ru/ru/publishing/publications/vospriiatie-mul-timodalnoi-mono-i-polietnicheskoi-kommunikacii/

Komalova, L.R.: Aggressogen discourse: Multilingual typology of verbalized aggression [Агрессогенный дискурс: Мультилингвальная типология вербализации агрессии]. Sputnik +, Moscow (2017, 2020), http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=28993951

Komalova, L.R.: Interpersonal communication: From conflict to consensus [Межличностная коммуникация: От конфликта к консенсусу]. INION RAN, Moscow (2016), http://inion.ru/ru/publishing/publications/mezhlichnostnaia-kommunikatsiia/

Komalova, L.R.: Language and speech aggression: Systematic review [Язык и речевая агрессия: Аналитический обзор]. INION RAN, Moscow (2015), https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25293112

Potapova, R., Komalova, L.: Verbal structure of communicative act of aggression: Thematic explanatory dictionary [Вербальная структура коммуникативного акта агрессии: Тематический толковый словарь]. Vol. 2. INION RAN, Moscow (2017), http://inion.ru/publishing/publications/verbalnaia-struktura-kommunikativnogo-akta-agressii/

Potapova, R., Komalova, L.: Verbal structure of communicative act of aggression: Thematic explanatory dictionary [Вербальная структура коммуникативного акта агрессии: Тематический толковый словарь]. Vol. 1. INION RAN, Moscow (2015), https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25909161



Komalova L. How scholar beginners reflect their professional activity [Рефлексия начинающими учеными-исследователями своей профессиональной деятельности]. Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law, 2023, 5. https://www.ogt-journal.com/jour/issue/archive

Komalova L. Pre- and post- textual contexts in assessment of a massage as offensive or defensive aggression verbalization. Speech and Computer. SPECOM 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), 2023, Part I, 14338, 402-414. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-48309-7_33 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-48309-7_33

Komalova L. Emotional involvement in social-network communication: reference group and gender bias. Complex social systems in dynamic environments: Advanced Theories, Innovative Methods, and Interdisciplinary Research Results. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2023, 365, 143–153. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-23856-7_15 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-23856-7_15

Komalova L.R. The dynamics of partnership construction (on the basis of cinematic discourse of “Elementary” TV-series). Vestnik of Moscow Sate Linguistic University, 2023, 5(873), 59–66. DOI: 10.52070/2542-2197_2023_5_873_59 http://www.vestnik-mslu.ru/Vest/5_873_H.pdf

Komalova L.R. Actualization of the THREAT concept semantic content (based on directed associative experiment) [Актуализация смыслового содержания понятия «угроза» (на основе результатов направленного ассоциативного эксперимента)]. Vestnik of Moscow Sate Linguistic University, 2023, 9(877), 25–34. DOI 10.52070/2542-2197_2023_9_877_25 http://www.vestnik-mslu.ru/Vest/9_877_H.pdf

Komalova L.R., Zueva V.V. Method of associative experiment applied to emerging practices (research on Internet of Behavior concept) [Метод ассоциативного эксперимента применительно к становящимся практикам (на материале понятия «Интернет поведения»)]. Human being: Image and essence. Humanitarian aspects, 2023, 4(56), 118-143. DOI: 10.31249/chel/2023.03.07 http://human-inion.org/en/article.php?id=631

Komalova L.R. Adolescent’s coping strategies verbalization in respond to parents’s destructive speech behavior (experimental research) [Вербализация стратегий совладания с деструктивным речевым поведением родителя (экспериментальное исследование ответной речевой реакции молодежи)]. Organizational psycholinguistics, 2023, 3(23), 25-49. https://psycholinguistic.ru/arhiv/2023%E2%84%963(23).pdf

Mikhailova O.R., Komalova L.R. Audiovisual means constructing metaphor in cinematic discourse [Аудио-визуальные средства поддержания метафоры в кинодискурсе]. Ethnopsycholinguistcs, 2023, 2(13), 37–51. DOI: 10.31249/epl/2023.02.03 https://epl-inion.org/en/article.php?id=124

Stefanishina E.I., Komalova L.R. How chess playing influences level of human cognitive abilities [Влияние фактора «игра в шахматы» на уровень когнитивных способностей человека]. Ethnopsycholinguistcs, 2023, 4(15), 67-79. DOI: 10.31249/epl/2023.04.05 https://epl-inion.org/en/article.php?id=152


Komalova L.R., Kalyuzhnaya L.V. Broadening the ontology of threats verbalized in written communication on the Internet [Расширение онтологии угрозы в письменной интернет-коммуникации]. Russian Journal of Linguistics, 2022, 26(3), 779–806. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2687‐0088‐29939 https://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/article/view/32094/21147

Komalova L., Kalyuzhnaya L. Categorization of threatening speech acts. Prasanna S.R.M., Karpov A., Samudravijaya K., Agrawal Sh.S. (Eds.): Speech and Computer. SPECOM 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. LNAI. 2022, 13721, 372–381. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20980-2_32 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-20980-2_32

Komalova L., Glazkova A.V., Morozov D.A., Epifanov R.Yu., Motovskikh L.V., Mayorova E.V. Automated classification of potentially insulting speech acts on social network sites. Alexandrov D.A., Boukhanovsky A.V., Chugunov A.V., Kabanov Yu., Koltsova O., Musabirov I., Pashakhin S. (Eds.): Digital transformation & global society. DTGS 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science series. 2022, 1503, 365–374. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93715-7_26 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-93715-7_26?error=cookies_not_supported&code=5acd615f-b27e-4c68-b270-f183af836190

Komalova L.R., Sadova E.R. Pragmatic vector of verbalized aggression within internet mediated communication: textual context dimension [Фактор речевого контекста при определении прагматической направленности вербализованной агрессии в интернет-опосредованной коммуникации]. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2022, 21(3), 77–89. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2022.3.7 https://l.jvolsu.com/index.php/ru/component/attachments/download/2587

Komalova L.R., Bortsaikina A.S. Gender bias while perceiving speech dominance [Гендерная «необъективность» при восприятии речевого доминирования]. Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University. Humanities, 2022, 5(860), 46–54. DOI: 10.52070/2542-2197_2022_5_860_46 http://www.vestnik-mslu.ru/Vest/5_860_H.pdf

Komalova L.R. Modern landscape of Computational Linguistics [Современный ландшафт компьютерной лингвистики]. Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University. Humanities, 2022, 6(861), 40–47. DOI: 10.52070/2542-2197_2022_6_861_40 http://www.vestnik-mslu.ru/Vest/6_861_H.pdf

Komalova L.R. Searching for correlation between recipients’ personal features and how recipients evaluate voice and speech features of other people associated with the image of aggressor [В поисках связи между индивидуально-личностными характеристиками реципиента и оценкой им голосовых и речевых параметров говорящего, ассоциируемого с образом агрессора]. Organizational Psycholinguistics, 2022, 4(20), 60–89 https://psycholinguistic.ru/arhiv/2022%E2%84%964(20).pdf

Komalova L.R. Typology parameters of aggression verbalized in written text / discourse [Параметры типологизации агрессии, вербализованной в письменном тексте / дискурсе]. Ethnopsycholinguistics, 2022, 3(10), 7–25. DOI: 10.31249/epl/2022.03.01 https://epl-inion.org/article.php?id=103


Komalova, L.R., Goloshchapova, T.I.: Differentiated analysis of the «insult» speech genre based on messages from a social network Internet sites [Дифференцированный анализ речевого жанра «оскорбление» на материале сообщений социальной интернет-сети]. RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics 12(3), 619-631. DOI: 10.22363/2313-2299-2021-12-3-619-631 (2021), http://journals.rudn.ru/semiotics-semantics/article/view/27562/19879

Komalova L., Kulagina D.A.: Perceiving speech aggression with and without textual context on Twitter social network site. Karpov A., Potapova R. (Eds.): Speech and Computer. SPECOM 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science series; LNAI 12997, 348-359. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87802-3_32 (2021), https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-87802-3_32

Potapova, R., Potapov, V., Komalova, L.: Multimodal perception of speech behavior by non-native speakers (German-Austrian-Russian parallels). Moscow University Philology Bulletin 1, 76-89 (2021), https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44850013

Komalova, L.R., Kopylova, E.A.: Perceptual image of conflict situation in tragedy and comedy cinematic discourse [Перцептивный образ конфликтной ситуации в трагедийном и комедийном кинодискурсе]. Human Being: Image and Essence. Humanitarian Aspects 4(48), 64-89. DOI: 10.31249/chel/2021.04.05 (2021), https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47287139

Medved, A.A., Komalova, L.R.: Scenarios of inter-game internet-communication (a research based on MMORPG «World of Warcraft») [Сценарии внутриигровой коммуникации (на примере MMORPG «World of Warcraft»)]. Human Being: Image and Essence. Humanitarian Aspects 2(46), 190-206. DOI: 10.31249/chel/2021.02.11 (2021), https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45661730

Komalova, L.R.: Hate speech in the Internet public discourse [Язык вражды в публичном дискурсе Интернета]. Social sciences and humanities. Domestic and foreign literature. Series: Linguistics 2, 92-118. DOI: 10.31249/ling/2021.02.05 (2021), https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45416736

Komalova, L.R., Mayorova, E.V.: Errors and deviations in the summarization process: a linguist’s point of view [Ошибки и отклонения в процессе реферирования: взгляд лингвиста]. Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya. Seriya 1: Organizatsiya i Metodika Informatsionnoj Raboty 6, 29-38. DOI: 10.36535/0548-0019-2021-06-4 (2021), https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46644420


Potapova, R., Komalova, L., Potapov, V. The relationship between Internet practices and adolescents’ physiological and psychological health. European Proceedings of Educational Sciences 1, 39-48. DOI: 10.15405/epes.20121.6 (2020), https://www.europeanproceedings.com/files/data/article/10053/12900/article_10053_12900_pdf_100.pdf

Komalova, L.R.: Peculiarities of bystanders’ perception of social network communication [Особенности восприятия интернет-коммуникации реципиентами, не вовлеченными в общение]. Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University. Humanities 9(838), 221-234 (2020), http://www.vestnik-mslu.ru/Vest/9_838_H.pdf


Potapova, R., Potapov, V., Komalova, L.: Auditory-visual perception analysis of multimodal content associated with aggressive behavior. Cognitive-Social and Behavioural Sciences (icCSBS Moscow-2019) LXXIV, 267-276. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.12.02.32 (2019), https://www.futureacademy.org.uk/files/images/upload/ICCSBS2019F32.pdf

Potapova, R., Potapov, V., Komalova, L., Dzhunkovsky, A.: Some peculiarities of Internet multimodal polycode corpora annotation. Salah A., Karpov A., Potapova R. (Eds.): SPECOM 2019, LNCS 11658, 392-400. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-26061-3_40 (2019), https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-26061-3_40

Komalova, L.R.: Representation of aggression verbal image in informational universe of English mass-media [Репрезентация вербального образа акта агрессии в информационном универсуме англоязычных СМИ]. Russian Journal of Linguistics 23(1), 149-164 (2019). http://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/article/view/20621/16700


Komalova, L.R., Sergeev, S.S.: Heterogeneity of “Russian (russky / rossijsky)” lexical meanings [Гетерогенность лексем «русский» / «российский»]. Cuadernos de Rusística Española 14, 67-79 (2018). http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/cre/article/view/6338

Komalova, L.: Social network sites as digital heterotopias: textual content and speech behavior perception. Alexandrov, D., Boukhanovsky, A., Chugunov, A., Kabanov, Y., Koltsova, O. (eds.): DTGS 2018, CCIS 859, 43-54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-02846-6_4 (2018), https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-02846-6_4

Potapova, R., Komalova, L., Potapov, V.: Perceptual-auditory evaluation of the aggressive speech behavior: gender aspect (on the basis of Russian and Spanish languages). Karpov, A., Jokisch, O., Potapova, R. (eds.): SPECOM 2018, LNAI 11096, 532-541. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99579-3_55 (2018), https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-99579-3_55


Potapova, R., Komalova, L.: Lexico-semantical indices of “deprivation – aggression” modality correlation in social network discourse. Karpov, A., Potapova, R., Mporas, I. (eds.): SPECOM 2017, LNCS 10458, 493-502. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66429-3_49 (2017), https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-66429-3_49


Komalova, L.R.: Verbal implementation of aggression as a product of social and cognitive deprivation [Вербальная реализация агрессии как продукт социально-когнитивной депривации]. Journal of Psycholinguistics 3(30), 103-115 (2016), http://iling-ran.ru/library/voprosy/30.pdf

Komalova, L.R.: The verbal image of the subject of aggression in the Russian language network mass media [Вербальный образ субъекта агрессии в русскоязычных сетевых СМИ]. Philological Sciences. Issues of Theory and Practice 5-2(59), 96-98 (2016), http://www.gramota.net/materials/2/2016/5-2/28.html


Komalova, L.R.: Interpersonal conflict as catalyst of verbal aggression. Modern Linguistic and Methodological-and-Didactic Researches 2(9), 46-56 (2015), https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24253623

Potapova, R.K., Komalova, L.R.: Auditory-perceptual recognition of the emotional state of aggression. Ronzhin, A., Potapova, R., Fakotakis, N. (eds.) SPECOM 2015, LNAI 9319, 89-95. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23132-7_11 (2015), http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-23132-7_11

Potapova, R.K., Komalova, L.R., Bobrov, N.V.: Acoustic markers of the emotional state “aggression”. Ronzhin, A., Potapova, R., Fakotakis, N. (eds.) SPECOM 2015, LNAI 9319, 55-64. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23132-7_7 (2015), http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-23132-7_7


Komalova, L.R.: Repertory of verbal realization of reciprocal aggression in situations of status-role asymmetry [Репертуар вербальной реализации ответной агрессии в ситуации статусно-ролевой асимметрии]. MSLU Bulletin 9(695), 103-115 (2014), https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21669237

Potapova, R., Komalova, L.: On principles of annotated databases of the semantic field “aggression”. Ronzhin, A., Potapova, R., Delič, V. (eds.) SPECOM 2014, LNAI 8773, 322-328. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11581-8_40 (2014), http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-11581-8_40


Potapova, R., Komalova, L.: Lingua-cognitive survey of the semantic field “aggression” in multicultural communication: Typed text. Železný, M, Habernal, I., Ronzhin, A. (eds.) SPECOM 2013, LNAI 8113, 227-232. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01931-4_30 (2013), http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-01931-4_30#

Komalova, L.R.: Multi-component research paradigm of state of aggression [Мультикомпонентная парадигма исследования состояния «агрессия»]. MSLU Bulletin 13(673), 75-85 (2013), https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=19316007

Full list of publications: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=642553 ; https://istina.msu.ru/home/profile/.

Research experience

State assignment from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “The latest trends in the development of humanitarian thought in Russia and the West: philosophical movements, the development of Cultural Studies and the spiritual life of society in the digital era” (2024-2026)

State assignment from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “Perspective technologies of state informational function realization and digital sovereignty maintenance” (2020-2023)

Collective research project “Mathematical maintenance of forensic linguistic expertise” (2020)

State assignment from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “Linguacultural aspects of civilizational contradictions” (2019-2023)

State assignment from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “Scientific, informational, and analytical maintenance of studies on Social Sciences and Humanities. Abstract journal as a significand element of the system of scholarly and informational research” (2019-2020)

Collective grant from Russian Science Foundation “Fundamental cross-disciplinary study of influence of aggressive Internet environment in multimodal polycode social network communication upon transformation of psychophysiological and cognitive characteristics of Internet user personality (with regard to young Internet users)” (2018-2020)

State assignment from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “Language aspects of migration processes: language dynamics in the era of globalization” (2018)

Collective grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Researches “Heterotopia: Civilizational context” (2017-2019)

State assignment from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “Abstract journal as a significatnt component of the system of informational maintenance of national scholarly research on Social Sciences and Humanities” (2015-2018)

State assignment from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “Language situation and language policy in contemporary world: a concept of languages development within globalizational framework” (2015-2017)

Collective grant from Russian Science Foundation “Fundamental research on typology of verbal and paraverbal determinants of emotional-modal communicants’ behavior in multifactor deprivation conditions (electronic media sources, social networks and Internet-telephony Skype)” (2014-2016)

Collective grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “Research of lingua-cognitive mechanism of aggression formation and development in interlanguage and cross-cultural communication (multilingual discourse)” (2012-2013)

Collective grant from the Federal Security Services of the Russian Federation “Creation of automated databases for diagnosis of different emotional-psychological states by speech” (2010-2012)

Collective grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “Cognitive mechanisms of speech production and speech perception processes (interpersonal communication)” (2011-2012)

Collective grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “Speech explication of communication model ‘conflict – consensus’ on the basis of multilinguality” (2009-2011)

Teaching experience

2023: Digital technologies in Humanities (PhD students’ programme, Moscow State Linguistic University)

2022 – 2023: Digital transformation in professional activities (bachelor’s programme, Moscow State Linguistic University)

2021 – present: Formation of modern research methodology for linguists (master’s programme, Moscow State Linguistic University)

2017 – present: Linguaconflictology (master’s programme, Moscow State Linguistic University)

2017 – 2022: Modern informational environment and scientometrics (PhD students’ programme, Moscow State Linguistic University); Special language (Spanish) in informational technologies and applied linguistics (master’s programme, Moscow State Linguistic University)

2007 – 2011: Business relations and professional communication (specialist’s programme, State Academic University for the Humanities); Organizational conflict-management (specialist’s programme, State Academic University for the Humanities); Professional communication in English (specialist’s programme, Moscow State Linguistic University); Professional communication in Spanish (specialist’s programme, Moscow State Linguistic University); Professional translation in English (specialist’s programme, Moscow State Linguistic University); Professional translation in Spanish (specialist’s programme, Moscow State Linguistic University)

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