Kodaneva Svetlana
Сведения о сотруднике
Areas of research interests: environmental law, digital law, sustainable development law.
The number of scientific publications is 250.
The most significant of them are:
1. Kodaneva S. I. Brexit: Causes, Prerequisites, and Legal Consequences: Monograph / RAS. INION, Department of Jurisprudence; ed. T. G. Parkhalin. Moscow, 2023. 184 p.
2. Kodaneva S. I. Legal Regulation of Scientific and Innovative Activity: A Textbook / ed. E. V. Alferova. Moscow: INION RAS, 2022. 180 p.
3. Kodaneva S. I., Regional Management Policy in Britain: History and Modernity // Russia and the Modern World. 2023. N. 3. 242-260.
4. Kodaneva S.I. Green Economy – From Understanding the Content of the Concept to the Practice of Its Implementation (The Experience of Russia and Foreign Countries): monograph. Moscow: Ruscience, 2020. 144 p.
5. Kodaneva S. I. Global transformations: chaos as a basis for a new world order // Contours of Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Law. 2022. Vol. 15, N 6. P. 267-283.
6. Kodaneva S. I. Energy Transition: Prospects and Mechanisms of Implementation // Contours of Global Transformations. 2022. Vol. 15, N 1, P.167-185.
7. Kodaneva S. I. Inheritance of the 'Information Body': Problems of Legal Regulation// Monitoring of Law Enforcement/ 2023. N.1(46). P. 27-36.
A member of the editorial boards of the following scientific publications:
- Law and Digital Economy
- Information and analytical journal "Social and humanitarian sciences: Domestic and foreign literature". Ser.: State and Law.