Сведения о сотруднике

Yadova Maiya Andreevna

Yadova Maiya Andreevna

Candidate of Sociological Sciences
Head of the Department

Подразделение: Department of Sociology and Social Psychology

Areas of ​​scientific interest: sociology of youth, modernity and tradition in the values of post-Soviet youth, social transformations and modernization of Russian society, methods of sociological research.

Total number of scientific publications: over 160.

Participation in major research projects:

“Life trajectories of the youth in the 21-st century: risks and opportunities” — RFBR grant, № 19-111-50709, (2019-2020), project leader;

«”Modernists” and “traditionalists” of the post-Soviet generation: peculiarities of individual biographies» — RGNF grant (2010-2011), project leader;

«The modern and the traditional in values of young people of the post-Soviet generation (on the example of different social groups)» - RGNF grant (2008-2009), project leader.

Participation in editorial boards and editorial councils of scientific journals: member of the editorial boards of journals: «Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and Foreign Literature. Series 11. Sociology», «Russia and the contemporary world» (RSCI), «Siberian Socium» (Higher Attestation Commission), «Science Studies».

In addition: Academic Secretary of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Social Sciences for Scientific and Informational Social Research (INION)

Профили на ресурсах: Elibrary (РИНЦ) | ORCID | Web Of Science (Researcher ID) | SCOPUS |
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