Glotov Sergey Alexandrovich
Сведения о сотруднике
Glotov Sergey Alexandrovich
доктор юридических наук, профессор, кандидат философских наукведущий научный сотрудник
Подразделение: Отдел правоведения
- Doctor of Law, Professor, Candidate of Philosophy,
- Leading Researcher of the Department of Legal Studies of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Area of scientific interests: constitutional law; municipal law; parliamentary law; public international law; European law; social policy and social security; social philosophy, political science.
Information about teaching: Professor of the Department of State and International Law of the International Law Institute.
The total number of scientific publications is 150.
The most significant publications:
- Problems and prospects for the development of public power in the context of constitutional modernization: monograph / ed. B.S. Ebzeeva, L.T. Chikhladze. Steam. 13: The constitutional norm-goal of the social state and its further development in the 2020 amendments to the Basic Law of Russia. (Chapter 1: Constitutional modernization of state public authority) - M.: UNITY-DANA. Law and Law, 2024. pp. 174-183.
- Constitutional law: textbook / S.A. Glotov, M.P. Fomichenko, V.V. Kochetkov, M.M. Kakitelashvili; edited by Doctor of Law prof. S.A. Glotova, Doctor of Law prof. M.P. Fomichenko. – M.: International Law Institute; White wind. 2023. – 630 p.
- Electoral law of Russia: textbook / S.A. Glotov, M.P. Fomichenko, V.D. Mazaev, M.M. Kakitelashvili, A.A. Kuznetsov - M.: State University of Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; White wind. 2023. – 272 p.
- Self-employment in modern Russia: state and development prospects. Legal and socio-economic aspects: a textbook in the form of a presentation. / S.A. Glotov, N.V. Kurkina, L.S. Glotova – M.: White Wind, 2021. – 198 p.
- Social policy and social security (constitutional and legal aspect): monograph in 2 parts. Part: II. Social security / S.A. Glotov, V.D. Mazaev, M.G. Rashchupkina - M.: Federal Center for Educational Legislation; White Wind, 2020. – 304 p.
- Human rights in Russian and international law: textbook / S.A. Glotov, V.D. Mazaev, M.P. Fomichenko – M.: White Wind, 2020. – 850 p.
- Law of the Eurasian Economic Union: theory and practice: monograph / S.A. Glotov, I.A. Grigoriev, A.N. Gubin A.N. et al.; edited by S.A. Glotova. – M.: Moscow International Academy; Kuban State Agrarian University; Halley-print, 2016. – 304 p.
- Contract system: experience of the USA, EU and Russian practice. Anti-corruption in public procurement / ed. S.A. Glotova. – M.: Moscow International Academy, Kuban State Agrarian University, Halley-print, 2016. – 344 p.
- Constitutional law of Russia. Reader. Textbook / S.A. Glotov, M.P. Fomichenko, M.K. Payushin – M.: International Law Institute, 2015. - 492 p.
- Electoral law and electoral process: textbook / S.A. Glotov, M.M. Kakitelashvili, M.P. Fomichenko - M.: International Law Institute, 2013. - 320 p.
- Glotov S.A. Law of the European Union as amended by the Lisbon Treaty: a textbook for a special lecture course for legal experts. universities 2nd ed., add. – Bryansk, 2011. – 591 p.
- Political science: Course of lectures. In 2 parts: textbook / Glotov S.A., Skvortsov I.P., Otyutsky G.P., Novikov V.V. – Krasnodar: Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2011. – 325 p.
Member of the editorial board of journals of the Higher Attestation Commission:
- "Moscow Legal Journal"
- “Social and human sciences. Domestic and foreign literature." Series 4: “State and Law.”