Сведения о сотруднике

Dolgov Aleksandr Yur’ievich

Dolgov Aleksandr Yur’ievich

Candidate of Sociological Sciences
Senior Researcher (Department of Sociology and Social Psychology)

Подразделение: Department of Sociology and Social Psychology

Research interests: sociological theory; history of sociology; implementation of new technologies into everyday life; social effects of genomic technology.

Research projects

  • Representations of genetics in social media: from reflection on scientific information to biodigital culture (2023–2025, RNF grant, project leader)
  • Social and humanitarian contours of genomic medicine (2019–2023, RNF grant, project participant)
  • Network interactions of stakeholders in the parliamentary field: the experience of big data empirical analysis (2021–2022, RFBR & EISR grant, project participant)
  • The legacy of the USSR in the rhetoric of the main political actors of modern Russia (2020–2022, RFBR grant, project participant)
  • Study of relations between power and society in Russia from the perspective of political ontology (2015–2017, RFBR grant, project participant)
  • Integration of sociobiological and sociological methods in the study of evolutionary bases of morality and altruism (as applied to Russian communities) (2014–2016, RFBR grant, project participant)

Additional education

  • 2023–2024 – Program of development of management reserve in the field of science, technology and higher education (strategic level), Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Sirius University of Science and Technology.
  • 2022 – Program «Ensuring anti-corruption in educational and scientific organizations: anti-corruption standards and development of public legal awareness», Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
  • 2019 – Program «Modern information technologies in higher education and science» of the State Academic University of Humanities.
  • 2018–2019 – Program «Fundamental Sociology» of the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences.

Membership in editorial boards of academic journals

  • Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and Foreign Literature. Series 11: Sociology (executive secretary)
  • Social Novelties & Social Sciences (editorial board member)

Teaching experience: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sociology, National Research University «Higher School of Economics»

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