Avdonin Vladimir
Сведения о сотруднике
Avdonin Vladimir
Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate ProfessorLeading Researcher
Подразделение: Отдел политической науки
- Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
- Leading Researcher
Area of scientific interests: history, theory, methodology of political science, regional politics, European politics
Total number of scientific publications: more than 160
Participation in editorial boards and editorial councils of scientific publications
- Political science,
Teaching Information
Professor of the Department of History and Theory of State and Law and Political Science, Ryazan State University. S. A. Yesenina (1982-2012); Professor of the Department of Political Science at Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhova (2012-2016)
Participation in major research projects
• Political monitoring of IGPI (1995–1999).
• Russia of regions: transformation of political regimes (1997–1999).
• Reform of local self-government in the regional dimension (1998–1999).
• Regions of Russia. Chronicle and leaders (1995–1998).
• Center for European Politics and Law at the Russian State Pedagogical University (2002–2009).
• Regional monitoring of the Carnegie Moscow Center (2004–2008).
• Modern evolution of political systems and regimes in Russian regions: comparative analysis (2009–2012).
• Decision-making mechanisms and actors: applied research (based on materials from cities in the European part of Russia) (2010–2012).
• Center for Advanced Methodologies for Social and Humanitarian Research INION RAS (since 2012).
• The influence of municipal reform on the modern process of political transformation in Russia (2013-2015).
• Development of integration methods and techniques for fundamental social and humanitarian research (2013-2015)
• Political science at the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2014-2015)
• Transfer of knowledge and convergence of methodological traditions: experience of interdisciplinary integration of political, biological and linguistic research (2017-2021)
• Assessing the legacy of the USSR in the rhetoric of the main political actors of modern Russia (2020-2022)
- Interdisciplinary methodological foundations of an expanded evolutionary synthesis in the sciences of life and society" (2022-2024)