Alferov Oleg Leonidovich
Сведения о сотруднике
Alferov Oleg Leonidovich
Lead editorПодразделение: Отдел правоведения
- Lead editor
- Division: Law Department
Research interests: information law, Internet law, legal regulation of big data.
Total number of scientific publications: more than 20
List of the most significant publications
- Alferov O.L. Big data in legal activity (Review) // Social and humanitarian sciences. Russian literature. Series 4: State and Law. 2023. No.3. From 165-175. DOI: 10.31249/iajpravo/2023.03.14
- Alferov O.L. "The face" of immigration discrimination (Review) // Social and humanitarian sciences. Russian literature. Ser. 4: State and Law. 2023. No. 2. pp. 144-155. DOI: 10.31249/iajpravo/2023.02.13(in co-author. with Alferova E.V.)
- Alferov O.L. "Taming" the COVID-19 pandemic: legal approaches to combating coronavirus in Italy, the USA and China (Review) // Social and Humanitarian Sciences. Russian literature. Series 4: State and Law. 2022. No. 1. pp. 153-165. (in coauthor. with Alferova E.V.) DOI:10.31249/rgpravo/2022.01.12
- Alferov O.L. The concept of "Smart city" - the project of intellectual infrastructure of human habitation (Review) // Social and humanitarian sciences. Russian literature. Series 4: State and Law. 2021. No. 1. pp. 140-150. DOI:10.31249/rgpravo/2021.01.15
- Alferov O.L. Digital technologies in public administration: legal aspects (Review) // Social and humanitarian sciences. Russian literature. Series 4: State and Law. 2021 No. 3. pp. 220-228. DOI: 10.31249/rgpravo/2021.01.19
- Alferov O.L. Human rights on the Internet: Rethinking traditional rhetoric, principles and protection: (Review) // Social and humanitarian sciences: Domestic and foreign literature: Russian. Series 4, State and Law. 2020. № 3. C. 49–58.
- Legal regulation of domain names: Russian and foreign experience: (Review) // Social and humanitarian sciences: Domestic and foreign literature: Russian. Ser. 4, State and Law. 2019. No. 2. Pp. 67-74
Education: Higher – Moscow State Law Academy (MSLA)
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