09.05.2022 09:49

Категория: Новые издания


  • Emelianova E.N. National and international aspects in Soviet cultural foreign policy (based on recent foreign studies). (Article)
  • Ljubin V.P. Book review : German and Soviet societies in the first post-war decade : Traumas and hopes 
  • Ref. ad op. : The fate of the Bolshevik revolution : illiberal liberation, 191741   
  • Ref. ad op. : Gorlizki Y., Khlevniuk O. Substate dictatorship : networks, loyalty, and institutional change in the Soviet Union
  • Ref. ad op. : Rósa Magnúsdóttir. Enemy Number One : the United States of America in Soviet ideology and propaganda, 1945–1959 


  • Medovichev A.E. Military organization of the Byzantine Empire in the second half of the VII – IX centuries: Discussion about the «theme system» and stratiotic land ownership in modern historiography                    
  • Sukhino-Khomenko D. Royal Chancery in England in the 10th and 11th Centuries : A Culturological and Literary Solution to a Diplomatists’ Dispute. About an B. Snook’s monograph «The Anglo-Saxon Chancery: The History, Language and Production of Anglo-Saxon Charters from Alfred to Edgar» 
  • Babenko O.V. Controversial issues of the Balkan policy of Russia of the XVIII century   


  • Streltsov A.D. Napoleon : life story and myth 
  • Komzolova A.A. The struggle within the political elite of Russia on the eve and after the February Revolution
  • Uvarova T.B. New Forms for classical biography of scientist : 80-jubilee of Academic V.A. Tishkov


  • Babenko O.V. Book review : From walls to boulevards: the creation of a modern city in Ukraine (late XVIII – early XX century) 
  • Dunaeva Y.V. Book review : Ulyanova G. Merchants, noblewomen, magnates. Women Entrepreneurs in 19th Century Russia 


  • Ref. ad op. : Rampton V. Liberal ideas in tsarist Russia from Catherine the Great to the Russian revolution 
  • Ref. ad op. : The phenomenon of the Russian intelligentsia of the late XIX ‒ early XX centuries : monograph
  • Ref. ad op. : Seleznev F.A., Evdokimov A.V. The trial of general V.A. Sukhomlinov : documents and materials (1912‒1917)
  • Ref. ad op. : Tsvetkova Ts. «The north caucasian diaspora factor» in the soviet-turkish relations (1919‒1921) 
  • Ref. ad op. : Moser W. Phthisis. Another history of German society
  • Ref. ad op. : Sherstyukov S.A. German propaganda in the Middle East (1914‒1945) 
  • Ref. ad op.: Skakov A.Yu. Sukhum region of the Republic of Abkhazia : history and modernity