27.07.2024 13:54

Категория: Посетителям библиотеки

Для читателей Фундаментальной библиотеки ИНИОН РАН открыт бесплатный доступ к более чем 3,8 тысячам журналов коллекции Springer Nature (включая журналы Q1 Scopus). Он среди прочего включает полный доступ примерно к 600 журналам по общественным и гуманитарным наукам (включая экономическую географию, педагогику и психологию), в том числе архивы некоторых более не выпускаемых Springer журналов данного профиля за ряд прошлых лет.

Доступ осуществляется с 35 компьютеров в читальных залах библиотеки на 4-м этаже на Нахимовском проспекте 51/21, запись на 1-м этаже (под мостом), далее подняться на лифте. Вход на компьютере через сайт inion.ru (ресурсы – полнотекстовые базы данных – Springer Nature – Find a journal), можно сохранять pdf статей и отправлять их себе по электронной почте. Часы работы библиотеки – будние дни с 10.00 до 20.00. При записи иметь паспорт, студентам + справку из вуза.

Среди предлагаемых журналов отметим следующие 400 журналов
  1.  AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv (Eine Zeitschrift der Deutschen Statistischen
  2. Gesellschaft)
  3. Acta Juridica Hungarica (Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies)
  4.  Acta Linguistica Hungarica (An International Journal of Linguistics)
  5. Acta Politica
  6. African Archaeological Review
  7. Agricultural and Food Economics
  8. Agriculture and Human Values
  9. American Journal of Criminal Justice
  10. American Journal of Cultural Sociology
  11. Annals of Finance
  12. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
  13.  Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
  14.  Archaeologies (Journal of the World Archaeological Congress)
  15. Asia Europe Journal: Studies on Common Policy Challenges
  16.  Asia Pacific Education Review
  17. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
  18. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science
  19.  Asian Archaeology
  20.  Asian Bioethics Review
  21.  Asian Business & Management
  22.  Asian Journal of Business Ethics
  23.  Asian Journal of Criminology (An Interdisciplinary Journal on Crime, Law and Deviance in Asia)
  24.  Asian Journal of Philosophy
  25.  Asian Review of Political Economy
  26.  Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education
  27.  Atlantic Economic Journal
  28. Behavior and Social Issues
  29.  Berliner Journal für Soziologie
  30.  British Politics
  31.  Built Heritage
  32.  Business Economics
  33.  Business Research
  34.  Canadian Studies in Population
  35.  Children's Literature in Education
  36.  China International Strategy Review
  37.  China Population and Development Studies
  38.  China-EU Law Journal
  39.  Chinese Geographical Science
  40.  Chinese Political Science Review
  41.  Circular Economy and Sustainability
  42.  Cliometrica (Journal of Historical Economics and Econometric History)
  43.  Comparative Economic Studies
  44.  Comparative European Politics
  45.  Comparative Migration Studies
  46.  Computational Economics
  47.  Computational Social Networks
  48.  Computational Urban Science
  49.  Constitutional Political Economy
  50.  Contemporary Islam
  51.  Contemporary Jewry
  52.  Contemporary Political Theory
  53.  Continental Philosophy Review
  54.  Corporate Reputation Review
  55.  Crime Prevention and Community Safety
  56.  Crime Science
  57.  Crime, Law and Social Change
  58.  Criminal Law Forum
  59.  Criminal Law and Philosophy
  60.  Cultural Studies of Science Education
  61.  cultura & psyche (Journal of Cultural Psychology)
  62.  Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  63.  De Economist (Netherlands Economic Review)
  64.  Decisions in Economics and Finance
  65.  Demography (1964-2020)
  66.  Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte
  67.  Development
  68.  Digital Economy and Sustainable Development
  69.  Digital Finance
  70.  Digital Society: Ethics, Socio-Legal and Governance of Digital Technology
  71.  Discover Education
  72.  Discover Global Society
  73.  East Asia
  74.  Eastern Economic Journal
  75.  Economia Politica (Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics)
  76.  Economic Botany
  77.  Economic Bulletin (1974-2004)
  78.  Economic Change and Restructuring (Empirical and Policy Research on the Transitional and
  79. Emerging Economies)
  80.  Economic Theory
  81.  Economic Theory Bulletin
  82.  Economics of Disasters and Climate Change
  83.  Economics of Governance
  84.  Education and Information Technologies
  85.  Education and Treatment of Children
  86.  Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
  87.  Educational Psychology Review
  88.  Educational Research for Policy and Practice
  89.  Educational technology research and development
  90.  Electronic Commerce Research
  91.  Electronic Markets (The International Journal on Networked Business)
  92.  Empirical Economics (Journal of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria)
  93.  Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal
  94.  English Teaching & Learning
  95.  Entrepreneurship Education
  96.  Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
  97.  Environmental Management
  98.  Environmental and Resource Economics
  99.  Erkenntnis (An International Journal of Scientific Philosophy)
  100.  Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
  101.  Ethics and Information Technology
  102.  Ethik in der Medizin
  103.  Eurasian Business Review
  104.  Eurasian Economic Review: A Journal in Applied Macroeconomics and Finance
  105.  European Business Organization Law Review
  106.  European Journal for Philosophy of Science
  107.  European Journal for Security Research
  108.  European Journal of Futures Research (open access)
  109.  European Journal of Law and Economics
  110.  European Journal of Population
  111.  European Journal of Psychology of Education
  112.  European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
  113.  European Political Science
  114.  European Transport Research Review
  115.  Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review
  116.  Experimental Economics
  117.  Feminist Legal Studies
  118.  Finance and Stochastics
  119.  Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
  120.  Forum for Social Economics (1971-2011)
  121.  Foundations of Science
  122.  French Politics
  123.  Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning
  124.  Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
  125.  Gender Issues
  126.  Geoheritage
  127.  Global Philosophy
  128.  Global Public Policy and Governance
  129.  Global Social Welfare
  130.  Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
  131.  Health Economics Review
  132.  Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  133.  Heritage Science (open access)
  134.  Higher Education
  135.  Higher Education Policy
  136.  Historical Archaeology
  137.  Homo Oeconomicus (Journal of Behavioral and Institutional Economics)
  138.  Human Rights Review
  139. Humanistic Management Journal
  140. IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
  141.  IMF Economic Review
  142.  Indian Economic Review (Journal of Delhi School of Economics)
  143.  Indian Journal of History of Science
  144.  Indian Journal of International Law
  145.  Innovative Higher Education
  146.  Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy (1966-2022)
  147.  Interest Groups & Advocacy
  148.  International Advances in Economic Research
  149.  International Economics and Economic Policy
  150.  International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
  151.  International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics
  152.  International Journal for Educational Integrity
  153.  International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
  154.  International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
  155.  International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
  156.  International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique
  157.  International Journal of Anthropology (1986-2006)
  158.  International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology (open access)
  159.  International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
  160.  International Journal of Asian Management
  161.  International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy
  162.  International Journal of Economic Policy Studies
  163.  International Journal of Ethics Education
  164.  International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness
  165.  International Journal of Health Economics and Management
  166.  International Journal of Hindu Studies
  167.  International Journal of Historical Archaeology
  168.  International Journal of Latin American Religions
  169.  International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
  170.  International Journal of the Classical Tradition
  171.  International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure
  172.  International Journal on Digital Libraries
  173.  International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)
  174.  International Politics
  175.  International Politics Reviews
  176.  International Review of Economics: Journal of Civil Economy
  177.  International Review of Education: Journal of Lifelong Learning
  178.  International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
  179.  International Tax and Public Finance
  180.  Italian Economic Journal
  181.  Italian Journal of Marketing
  182.  Jewish History
  183.  Jindal Global Law Review
  184.  Journal for General Philosophy of Science
  185.  Journal for Labour Market Research (open access)
  186.  Journal for STEM Education Research
  187.  Journal of Academic Ethics
  188.  Journal of African American Studies
  189.  Journal of African Trade
  190.  Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
  191.  Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
  192.  Journal of Archaeological Research
  193.  Journal of Asset Management
  194.  Journal of Banking Regulation
  195.  Journal of Banking and Financial Technology
  196.  Journal of Behavioral Education
  197.  Journal of Bioeconomics
  198.  Journal of Brand Management
  199.  Journal of Business Cycle Research
  200.  Journal of Business Economics (Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft)
  201.  Journal of Business Ethics
  202.  Journal of Business and Psychology
  203.  Journal of Child and Family Studies
  204.  Journal of Chinese Management
  205.  Journal of Chinese Political Science
  206.  Journal of Chinese Studies
  207.  Journal of Computational Social Science
  208.  Journal of Consumer Policy: Consumer Issues in Law, Economics and Behavioural Sciences
  209.  Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science
  210.  Journal of Cultural Economics
  211.  Journal of Dharma Studies (Asian and Transcultural Religion, Philosophy, & Ethics)
  212.  Journal of East Asian Linguistics
  213.  Journal of Economic Growth
  214.  Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination
  215.  Journal of Economics
  216.  Journal of Economics and Finance
  217.  Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy
  218.  Journal of Educational Change
  219.  Journal of Evolutionary Economics
  220.  Journal of Family and Economic Issues
  221.  Journal of Financial Services Marketing
  222.  Journal of Financial Services Research
  223.  Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research
  224.  Journal of Global Policy and Governance
  225.  Journal of Happiness Studies
  226.  Journal of Human Rights and Social Work
  227.  Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research
  228.  Journal of Indian Philosophy
  229.  Journal of Industrial and Business Economics
  230.  Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade
  231.  Journal of International Business Policy
  232.  Journal of International Business Studies
  233.  Journal of International Entrepreneurship
  234.  Journal of International Humanitarian Action (open access)
  235.  Journal of International Migration and Integration
  236.  Journal of International Relations and Development
  237.  Journal of Labor Research
  238.  Journal of Logic, Language and Information
  239.  Journal of Management Control
  240.  Journal of Management and Governance
  241.  Journal of Marketing Analytics
  242.  Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education
  243.  Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology
  244.  Journal of Philosophical Logic
  245.  Journal of Policy Practice and Research
  246.  Journal of Population Ageing
  247.  Journal of Population Economics
  248.  Journal of Population Research
  249.  Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
  250.  Journal of Public Health
  251.  Journal of Public Health Policy
  252. Journal of Quantitative Criminology
  253.  Journal of Quantitative Economics
  254. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
  255.  Journal of Regulatory Economics
  256.  Journal of Religion and Health
  257.  Journal of Religious Education
  258.  Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
  259.  Journal of Science Teacher Education (1990-2016)
  260.  Journal of Social and Economic Development
  261.  Journal of Spatial Econometrics
  262.  Journal of Transatlantic Studies
  263.  Journal of World Prehistory
  264.  Journal of the Knowledge Economy
  265.  Language Policy
  266.  Language Resources and Evaluation
  267.  Latin American Economic Review
  268.  Latino Studies
  269.  Law and Critique
  270.  Law and Human Behavior
  271.  Law and Philosophy
  272.  Leadership, Education, Personality: An Interdisciplinary Journal
  273.  Learning & Behavior
  274.  Learning Environments Research
  275.  Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
  276.  Linguistics and Philosophy
  277.  List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik
  278.  Liverpool Law Review
  279.  Management International Review
  280.  Management Review Quarterly
  281.  Maritime Economics & Logistics
  282.  Marketing Letters
  283.  Mathematics and Financial Economics
  284.  Metascience
  285.  Mind & Society (Adaptive Behaviours under Risk and Uncertainty)
  286.  Minds and Machines (Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Cognitive Science)
  287.  Mineral Economics
  288.  Monash Bioethics Review
  289.  Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
  290.  Natural Language Semantics
  291.  Netherlands International Law Review
  292.  Networks and Spatial Economics
  293.  Neue Politische Literatur
  294.  New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies
  295.  Open Economies Review
  296.  Operations Management Research
  297.  Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching
  298.  Papers in Regional Science (1961-2004)
  299.  PharmacoEconomics
  300.  Philosophia
  301.  Philosophical Studies (An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition)
  302.  Philosophy & Technology
  303.  Philosophy of Management
  304.  Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
  305.  Policy Sciences
  306.  Political Behavior
  307.  Politische Vierteljahresschrift
  308.  Population Research and Policy Review
  309.  Population and Environment
  310.  Portuguese Economic Journal
  311.  Public Choice
  312.  Public Organization Review
  313.  Qualitative Sociology
  314.  Quantitative Marketing and Economics
  315.  Race and Social Problems
  316.  Raumforschung und Raumordnung – Spatial Research and Planning (1998-2018)
  317.  Reading and Writing
  318.  Regional Research of Russia
  319.  Res Publica (A Journal of Moral, Legal and Political Philosophy)
  320.  Research in Higher Education
  321.  Research in Science Education
  322.  Review of Accounting Studies
  323.  Review of Economic Design
  324.  Review of Economics of the Household
  325.  Review of Evolutionary Political Economy
  326.  Review of Industrial Organization
  327.  Review of Managerial Science
  328.  Review of Philosophy and Psychology
  329.  Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
  330.  Review of Regional Research
  331.  Review of Religious Research
  332.  Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv)
  333.  Russian Linguistics
  334.  SN Business & Economics
  335.  SN Social Sciences
  336.  Science & Education (Contributions from History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science and
  337. Mathematics)
  338.  Science and Engineering Ethics
  339.  Scientific and Technical Information Processing
  340.  Scientometrics
  341.  Sexuality & Culture
  342.  Sexuality Research and Social Policy
  343.  Small Business Economics
  344.  Social Choice and Welfare
  345.  Social Indicators Research
  346.  Social Justice Research
  347.  Social Psychology of Education
  348.  Society
  349.  Socio-Ecological Practice Research
  350. Sozial Extra
  351.  Soziale Passagen
  352.  Spatial Demography
  353.  Standort (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie)
  354.  Studies in Comparative International Development
  355.  Studies in East European Thought
  356.  Studies in Philosophy and Education
  357.  Studies on Russian Economic Development
  358.  Tertiary Education and Management
  359.  The American Sociologist
  360.  The Annals of Regional Science
  361.  The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
  362.  The Australian Educational Researcher
  363.  The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy
  364.  The European Journal of Health Economics
  365.  The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice
  366.  The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
  367.  The Indian Journal of Labour Economics
  368.  The International Sports Law Journal
  369.  The Japanese Economic Review
  370.  The Journal of Chinese Sociology (open access)
  371.  The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics
  372.  The Journal of East Asian Philosophy
  373.  The Journal of Economic Inequality
  374.  The Journal of Ethics
  375.  The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
  376.  The Review of Austrian Economics
  377.  The Review of Black Political Economy
  378.  The Review of International Organizations
  379.  The Review of Socionetwork Strategies
  380.  The Urban Review: Issues and Ideas in Education
  381.  Theory and Society: Renewal and Critique in Social Theory
  382.  Trends in Organized Crime
  383.  Unterrichtswissenschaft
  384.  URBAN DESIGN International
  385.  Urban Ecosystems
  386.  Urban Forum
  387.  Urban Informatics
  388.  Vocations and Learning: Studies in Vocational and Professional Education
  389.  Wirtschaftsdienst (2005-2022)
  390.  Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management
  391.  Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft
  392.  Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
  393.  Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung
  394.  Zeitschrift für Ethik und Moralphilosophie
  395.  Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
  396.  Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung
  397.  Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie
  398.  Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik
  399.  Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
  400.  Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie
  401.  Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik
  402.  Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft
  403.  Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
  404.  Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft