30.09.2023 11:52

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На витринах читальных залов представлены такие издания как:
  • Akomolafe, Femi. Africa: A Continent On Bended Knees. - Accra : DAkpabli & Associates , 2020. - 419 p. - ISBN 978-9988-9022-2-3
  • Cohen, Paula Marantz. Of Human Kindness : What Shakespeare Teaches Us About Empathy. - New Haven and London : Yale University Press, 2021. - 159 p. - ISBN 978-0-300-25641-3 
  • Christianity in Ghana: A Postcolonial  History / ed. J. Kwabena Asamoah Gyadu. - Legon, Accra : Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2018. - 252 p. - ISBN 978-9988-647-81-0 
  • Maïga, Choguel Kokalla ; Singaré, Issiaka Ahmadou. Les Rébellions au Nord du Mali. - Bamako : Édis, 2018. - 452 p. - ISBN 978-9952-56-58-6 
  • Schmid, Hans Ulrich. Einfűhrung in die Deutsche Sprachgeschichte : 3. Auflage. - Stuttgart : J.b.Metzler Verlag, 2017. - 314 p. - ISBN 978-3-476-04324-5
  • Scott, Guy. Adventures in Zambian Politics : A Story in Black and White. - Boulder : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2019. - 259 p. - ISBN 9781626377592
  • Victor le Vine's : Shorter Cameroon Writing, 1961-2007 / ed. by Milton Krieger. - Mankon; Bamenda : Langaa Research; Publishing CIG, 2015. – 16 p. - ISBN 9956-791-41-5
  • Whiteness, Afrikaans, Afrikaners : Addressing Post-Apartheid Legacies, Privileges and Burdens / Mapungubwe. - Johannesburg : Mistra Publication, 2018. - 153 p. - ISBN 978-0-6399238-1-9
  • Musa, David. La Religion Africaine-Américaine : Un confluent de la religion traditionnelle africaine et du christianisme. - Dakar : L'Harmattan- Sénégal, 2016. - 225 p. - ISBN 978-2-343-10019-7
  • Gerth, Karl. Unending Capitalism : How Consumerism Negated China's Communist Revolution. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2020. - 384 p. - ISBN 978-0-521-86846-4
  • Hull, Gordon. The Biopolitics of Intellectual Property: Regulating Innovation and Personhood in the Information Age. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2019. - 223 p. - ISBN 978-1-108-71205-7
  • Petit, Vincent. The Future of the Global Order : The Six Paradigm Changes That Will Define 2050. - New Jersey : Woorld Scientific, 2021. - 190 p. - ISBN 978-1-78634-909-5
  • Giornalismo Letterario a Napoli Tra Otto e Novecento : Studi Offerti Ad Antonio Palermo / Pasquale Sabbatino a cura di. - Napoli : Edizioni Sccientifiche Italiane, 2006. - 550 p. - ISBN 9-788849-5-10737
  • International Business in the Information and Digital Age / European International Business Academy; ed. by Rob van Tulder; Alain Verbeke; Lucia Piscitello. - Bingley: Emerald Pablishing, 2019. - 425 p. - (Progress in International Business Research. Tribute vol. Lorraine Eden ; V. 13). - ISBN 978-1-78756-326-1
  • Past Minds : Studies in Cognitive Historiography / Eds. Luther H. Martin, Jesper Sørensen. - London-New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2011. - 206 p. - (Religion, Cognition, and Culture). - ISBN 978-1-84553-741-8
  • Gerth, Karl. Unending Capitalism: How Consumerism Negated China's Communist Revolution. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2020. - 384 p. - ISBN 978-0-521-68846-8
  • Gűthenke Constanze. Feeling and Classical Philology : Knowing Antiguity in German Scholarship, 1770-1920. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2020. - 223 p. - ISBN 978-1-107-10423-5
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets : Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development / Ed. by Onyeka K. Osuji. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2020. - 447 p. - ISBN 978-1-108-47211-1