Political Science (RU) publishes materials in the following genres: research articles, reviews, abstracts, translations. The issues of "Political Science (RU)" are thematic, therefore the content of manuscripts should correspond to the theme of the issues.

Manuscripts are accepted in paper and electronic form in .docx format. They should be typed in 14 pins with a line spacing of 1.5. The volume of articles accepted for consideration should be 30-40 thousand characters (including spaces), book reviews - 16-24 thousand characters.

If the manuscript includes graphs or charts, the authors should send the original files in the formats .xls, .xlsx (in these files the data of the graphs or diagrams given in the article should be duplicated with the possibility of editing them). It is desirable to create drawings and diagrams in the formats .ppt, .pptx, .png, .jpg. Relevant files should also be attached to the manuscript. Drawings, charts, graphs, tables and other elements borrowed by the authors must not infringe on copyrights and must necessarily contain references to the source.

The manuscript submitted for publication should have a bibliography with a list of references and References in Latin (See below for design templates for articles). The list of references is given at the end of the text in alphabetical order without numbering (first, Russian sources, then foreign) and made out in accordance with the requirements of the bibliographic design adopted by the INION RAS and the rules established by the National Standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 7.0.5-2008). References to the literature are given in the text in square brackets indicating the name of the author of the source, year of publication and page. Materials may have sub-page text footnotes. References to sources (laws, statistics, publications in the media, blogs, etc.) are indicated in the footnotes.

Manuscripts must be accompanied by annotations in Russian and English with a volume of at least 200 words. Authors must indicate their full name and patronymic, place of work, position and contact information (email).

Manuscripts are reviewed, on the basis of which a decision is made on publication. No manuscript publication fee.