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Ilya V. Zaytsev

Ilya V. Zaytsev

Doctor of Sciences in History
head of a centre

Подразделение: Centre for Comparative Study of Civilizations

Academic degrees:

2011 – Dr.Sc. (History). Thesis title is “The Historiography Tradition in the Crimea in the 15th–19th centuries. Manuscripts, texts and sources”.

1998 – PhD (History). Thesis title is “Documentary sources on the History of the Diplomatical Relations between Golden Horde States, Moscovy and the Ottoman Empire (15th–16th centuries)” in the Institute of Oriental Studies.


1995–1998: Post Graduate student at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Department of the History of Orient (Russian Academy of Sciences).

1995: Graduated from Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute (Russian State University for Humanities).

Work experience:

  • 2018–current: Head of the Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilizations at the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • 2016–2018: Acting Director of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • 2012–2016: Leading Research Fellow in the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • 2009–2011: Head of Publishing Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • 2005–2009: Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • 1998–2005: Research Fellow in the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Awards and honors:

  • Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Fields of research:

Author of more than 250 articles in Russian, English, Turkish, French and other languages.

  • Islamic Studies

  • Turcology

  • Oriental Archaeography

  • History of the Golden Horde and Djuchid Khanates

  • History of the Khanates of the Crimea and Astrakhan, Russia and Orient.

The books and articles listed below are available at https://independent.academia.edu/ZaytsevIlya:

The Khanate of Astrakhan. Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura, 2006 (second revised edition) (In Russian).

Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts at the Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts of the Library of Moscow State University. Moscow, 2006 (In Russian)

Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts and Documents at the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Catalogue. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2008 (In Russian).

The Historiography Tradition in the Crimea in the 15th–19th centuries. Manuscripts, texts and sources. Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura, 2009. 304 p. (In Russian).

Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts and Documents in Moscow collections (bibliography guide) // Written Monuments of Orient. No. 2(7). Moscow, 2007. P. 252–278 (In Russian).

Turkish historical manuscripts at the Russian State Library // International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (ICANAS) XXXVII. Papers. Vol. I. Moscow, 2007. P. 63–67 (In Russian).

Library of the Ageevs, the Imams of Moscow /  World of Islam – Pax Islamica. Vol. 1(4). Moscow, 2010. P. 43–59 (In Russian).

Astrakhan // The Encyclopaedia of Islam Three. Ed. by Gudrun Krämer, Denis Matringe, John Nawas and Everett Rowson. London; Boston, 2010. P. 109–112 (In English).

La politique turque de Petro Dorošenko: documents du fonds De Wojciech Bobowski à la BNF // Cahiers du Monde Russe. 50/2-3, April-September 2009 Eastern Europe, 1650–1730. Crises, conflicts, and new starts. Paris, 2010. P. 511–532. (Turkish Policy of Petro Doroshenko: Documents from Wojciech Bobowski Fond in the National Library of France // Papers of the Russian World. Paris) (In French).

The Crimean Khanate between Empires: Independence or Submission // Empires and Peninsulas. Souteastern Europe between Karlowitz and the Peace of Adrianople, 1699–1829. P. Mitev, M. Baramova, V. Racheva (eds.). Münster: Lit Verlag, 2010. P. 25–27 (In English).

Zaytsev İlya, Demiroğlu Hasan. Rusya İlimler Akademisi Arşivi’nde Bulunan Türk ve Türk Halklarıyla İlgili Bazı Arşiv Belgelerinin Tanıtılması // Trakya Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. Cilt 1, Sayı 1 Ocak 2011 Edirne. S. 74–87. (Survey of Turkish Documents at the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences // Journal of Faculty of Literature of Trakya University. Vol. 1, Edirne, 2011) (In Turkish).

Rusya Federasyonu Devlet Halk Tarih Kütüphanesindeki Türkçe Yayınları Bibliografyası. Мoscow, 2006 (In Russian and Turkish).

Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts from the Collection of Mardjani Foundation. Catalogue of the Exhibition (All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, May 27–31, 2013). Compiled by Ilya Zaytsev, Galina Lasikova, Maria Filatova. Moscow, 2013 (In Russian).

Arabic and Turkish Manuscripts from the State Public Scientific Technological Library in Novosibirsk. Novosibirsk, 2014 (In Russian).

Grants and Fellowships:

  • La Bourse Diderot (La Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme), Paris, France, 2001 (September-November).

  • The American Council of Learned Societies. Short-term Grant in the Humanities and Publication Support Grants in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine (Russia, 2007).

  • Wellcome Trust Library (UK, London, June, 2008). Visiting Scholar (Cataloguing the Ottoman Collection of the Library).

  • Visiting Scholar at Slavic Research Center (Japan’s National Center for Slavic and Eurasian Studies), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2013, June-November.

Membership of editorial boards of academic journals:

  • Member of Editorial Board of the journal from WoS and Scopus databases Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie = Golden Horde Review.

  • Member of Editorial Advisory Board of the journal from RSCI database on the platform of WoS Proceedings in Archaeology and History of Ancient and Medieval Black Sea Region [Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Причерноморья].

Membership of professional associations:

Профили на ресурсах: Elibrary (РИНЦ) | ORCID | Web Of Science (Researcher ID) | ACADEMIA |

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